Looking for additional income on the web is slowly becoming a phenomenon these days. And this is the primary purpose of this page - to present to you different opportunities to add more dollars to your main paycheck, or simply to show you which web sites I deem most appropriate to do so. Checking out or joining one or all of them is left entirely at your own discretion. New offers will be added now and again because I have to test them first and convince myself they are legitimate and stable. Of course, there are a lot of paths one can follow if he/she is to earn online, but the most beneficial of all is freelancing. Or in other words - working independently and on temporary contracts. If you have certain skills such as programming, coding, writing, designing, typing, data entry, copywriting, translating etc., then you can earn decent money doing different tasks and getting paid for it. The great thing about it is that you can do all this in the comfort of your home and by the time of your choosing. Or if you want to be on the other side of the relationship, then you can simply be an outsourcer - you can hire freelancers who will deal with what you have to offer for a much lesser amount of money that is normally demanded. There are a lot of web sites out there that serve as meeting venues between freelancers and outsourcers, but the biggest of all is Freelancer. The site connects over 1.9 million employers and freelancers from over 234 countries and regions worldwide. Also, it offers a safe environment to both sides through its sophisticated and secure milestone payment system. Which makes it possible for a freelancer to receive his/her due money, or for an employer to see the primarily intended end result. The site has a UK and Australian version too - Freelancer.co.uk and Freelancer.com.au - so that the employers can post projects and pay their freelancers in the respective currency without having to look out for each day's exchange rate. Feel free to check out some of the projects.
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